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Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Physics versus Philosophy - game over?
Has physics, in the form of relativity, quantum mechanics, and M-Theory (Superstring theory), made philosophy obsolete and/or useless?
Free Web Survey
--Gary D. Timothy-- (a.k.a., The Eclectic)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Ahh,... to fly like a bird! Well, it can and has been done with the Snowbird!
But now there is Snowbird, a craft that is also completely human powered once it's in the air. And Snowbird, as what's known as an ornithopter, actually flaps its wings to sustain flight. True, it does need a pull from a car to get airborne, but once it's up,... well just watch the extraordinary video below!
On July 31st and August 2nd, 2010 the Snowbird maintained altitude and airspeed for 19.3 seconds - the world's firstself-powered flapping wing flight!

To watch this video on YouTube: World's First Human-Powered Ornithopter

My other places: Eclectic Universe Home Page - Eclectic Universe Forum - Eclectic's Universe Blog - Thinking With Reason
You can also JOIN ME on SideTick, RedGage, MyLot, and MyAllFriends - 4 other places to earn cash just for being social!!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Stand Up For Science - Evolution is REAL Science!
I ran across the two videos below on YouTube. If you're teetering on the edge of believing or not believing evolution theory, these videos might just inspire you. If you're sure that evolution is bunkum, then you too might want to check out the videos. And if you're already sure that evolution is the way to go, then these videos might just answer some questions for you anyway!
First up: Does the fossil record support Evolution?
Next up: Where are the Transitional Forms?
As I have asserted before on and other sites, and as this video explains, nearly every species can be considered a transitional form. That is, all species stand somewhere between a former species and a later species on the evolutionary tree of life!
For those of you who do not accept the theory of Evolution, ignorance may be bliss, but I'm here to tell you that a little science knowledge can work even greater wonders!
For more videos and information: Stand up for REAL science
My other places: Eclectic Universe Home Page - Eclectic Universe Forum - Eclectic's Universe Blog - Thinking With Reason
You can also JOIN ME on SideTick, RedGage, and MyLot - three other places to earn cash just for being social!!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
The Milky Way Big Picture (Showcase) - NASA Spitzer Space Telescope
This is a video of the Spitzer Space Telescope's mission to capture over half of our Milky Way Galaxy, gloriously illustrated with wondrous visions, and explained beautifully by an astronomer.
It really is a Must See video!!
I do hope you enjoyed it!
--Gary D. Timothy--
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
I Finally Found Uranus and YOU can too!
Now, this is a special event for me because I’ve never positively identified it before in the night sky. There have been times when I thought I was looking at Uranus, but I’ve never before been sure of it. At its brightest, it is sometimes barely visible to the naked eye in very dark skies with no light pollution, but it usually requires a good star chart to find.
Uranus is the seventh planet out from the Sun, beyond Saturn and smaller than Saturn too, so it’s no wonder that it’s much more difficult to see. Below is an image captured by the Voyager 2 spacecraft during it’s flyby of the planet in 1986.

Above: Voyager 2’s view of Uranus. As you can see, Uranus is quite featureless – it’s one of the gas giants, so you are basically looking at its opaque atmosphere although it is thought to have a rocky core. Both Voyager 1 and 2 are still functioning and sending data back to Earth after over 33 years! They are both currently leaving the Solar System and are, respectively about 17 and 14 billion kilometers from the Sun.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Science Vine - Issue 3: Petrified Lightning, Suing Science, & Shuttle Wake-up Songs
Petrified Lightning
I’m sure most of you have heard of petrified wood, and maybe even seen some yourself either in pictures or at a museum. But how about petrified lightning or fulgurites? It’s possible that at some of you who have never heard of petrified lightning or fulgurites have actually seen them without realizing it!
When lightning strikes the Earth in some sandy or silica-rich soil, it can literally melt the ground and leave it’s mark as fulgurites: hollow, glassy tubes that represent the path the lightning took. They are often root-like in structure, with evident branching, which seems consistent with the branching lightning seen in the sky. And they can range in size from very small to several centimeters wide and several meters long.
You might be petrified of lightning, but there’s nothing to fear from fulgurites. And if you find one, especially a big one, you could be in for some serious money from collectors and/or museums. But even though lightning strikes the Earth 100 times every second on average according to the U.S. Dept. of Energy, fulgurites are very rare. So, while you might have seen one without know what it was, you probably won’t find one even if you know what you’re looking for. Isn’t that the way it always works?For more information:
Wikipedia: Fulgurite
FactOidz: Fulgurites: Petrified Lightning in the Ground (Warning! Fascination content is HIGH! And, there’s pictures here too!)
Man seeks to sue science.
Man logically loses litigation attempt.
Back in 2008, a Hawaiian fellow named Walter Wagner claimed the Large Hadron Collider’s hunt for the Higgs boson would end in apocalypse, and sued to stop the collider from going online. His suit was soon dismissed by a federal judge, but with the fate of the world on the line, Wagner kept trying.
A simulated event at the CMS particle detector of the LHC of the european particle physics institute, CERN. This simulation depicts the decay of a Higgs particle following a collision of two protons in the CMS experiment. [Image credit: CERN. From Wikipedia user Harp.]
So, it appears that the U.S. can’t be held accountable if the LHC somehow destroys the Earth by creating an Earth-eating black hole or similarly apocalyptic strange matter!
For those of you who have a sense of humor, check out the site I’ve listed below. It’s a serious site, but intelligent beings that know a lick of science won’t be taking it seriously!
For more information:Discover Magazine: Judge: Man Can’t Sue over LHC’s “Potential Destruction Of The Earth” THE OFFICAL SITE FOR CITIZENS AGAINST THE LARGE HADRON COLLIDER
Did you ever wonder what astronauts wake up to when they’re orbiting about 200 miles (325 kilometers) high above the Earth in the Space Shuttle? Why, Space Rock music, of course!
And who gets to choose the particular songs they hear? Why, Houston, of course! EXCEPT that now NASA has just opened voting booths to the public. That’s right, now YOU can vote on what music our shuttle astronauts get to wake up during the STS-133 mission, which is currently set to launch in November of this year.
So, to have your own voice in the musical voices that shuttle astronauts will hear, check out NASA’s Top 40 and pick out a song! They’ve listed 40 songs, all of which you can listen to, that have been played on previous missions, and the songs range from Beautiful Day by U2 to Rocket Man by Elton John to What A Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong. The theme from Star Trek by Alexander Courage is currently leading in the polls, followed closely by Magic Carpet Ride by Steppenwolf. Over 1.2 million votes have been cast so far, so get yours in now!
And on that note (pun intended, of course), so ends this issue of Science Vine.
© 2010 Gary D. Timothy-----------------------------------
My other places: Eclectic Universe Home Page - Eclectic Universe Forum - Eclectic's Universe Blog - Thinking With Reason
You can also JOIN ME on SideTick, RedGage, and MyLot - three other places to earn cash just for being social!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Science Vine - Issue 2: Google Mars, SpaceQuakes, and a Tachyon Joke

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Eclectic's Universe Wordle
Yeah, I know, it's awful blurry, but you'll get a bigger, better, crisper view if you click on it!
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
The Science Vine – Premier Issue: Surfing the Science Side

Monday, July 5, 2010
Practical Astronomy Magazine - Free Download eZine

Practical Astronomy Magazine - Free Download eZine
For anyone with the slightest interest in the night sky and/or astronomy! Become a member and subscribe for free and get access to back issues and other cool stuff on this site! But it's a time-limited offer folks, so get there now or be square!
Also, if you have a mind to, and can actually write worth a whit, they you can also write and submit your own articles for consideration. Wouldn't it be cool to be published in this magazine? I'm going to have to try this out myself!
From Practical Astronomy's about page:
About Practical Astronomy Magazine
Practical Astronomy magazine was founded in 2009 and has always been distributed for free, using digital download from the internet.
Its primary driver is to encourage amateur astronomers worldwide, to share their observations and astronomical experience. So far, contributors from at least ten countries have been published in the magazine.
Contact (and send images/articles for publication) to Kevin Brown:
The magazine is published by Structure Ltd (a UK registered company) in pdf format, making it readable and printable by most computers in the World.
It’s been assigned the International Standard Serial Number ISSN 2042-2687, by the British Library.
Here’s a message from the editor..
The title “Practical Astronomy” just about sums-up my personal Astronomy ethos. So I thought, I really should help create this regular, downloadable magazine.

Magazine Editor, Kevin Brown
The objective (!) is to share practical astronomy techniques and news…
And also, encourage you to get outside and do some observing!
Thank You,
Kevin Brown FRAS
Saturday, June 19, 2010
PlanetQuest - the number of Exoplanets Found is about to skyrocket!
NASA's JPL/CalTech website reports the current exoplanet count at 453 as of June 19, 2010. The number of stars with planets is a bit lower and stands at 385, meaning that some stars have more than one planet orbiting them.
The image below is a screen shot (from this author's screen) of a widget for your desktop and can be downloaded from the PlanetQuest Planet Counter page. It will keep you current on the hunt for exoplanets, but you'll have to have Yahoo! Widgets installed to make it work.
As soon as the recent first data set from the Kepler mission, which is devoted to finding exoplanets (particularly, Earth-like planets), is fully analyzed, the count of exoplanets is sure to skyrocket. But right now, the data set, just released to the public, reports 306 exoplanet "candidates." That means those candidate explanets must still be confirmed before adding them to the official exoplanet count.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Scientists explore whether some apes shake heads for "no"
May 5, 2010Special to World Science �
In communicating with each other, apes known as bonobos sometimes shake their heads—and one of the purposes for which they do this may be analogous to saying “no,” a study has found.
Researchers say the finding could be significant because bonobos are also humans’ closest evolutionary relatives, along with common chimpanzees."
[Yes, there's more! Click the link above to read the rest of the original article at the World Science website. --gdt]
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Ya talk about high tech innovation - The future is here!
Some on you may remember the commercial about letting your fingers do the walking through the Yellow Pages. Well, with this technology, your fingers are going to do a LOT more than just walking!
Making The-Sixth-Sense a reality, this video is a must-see for anybody even slightly interested in technology. It's amazing! And, there are a few laughs to boot!
You can also find this video and many more fantastic talks at:
Hawking Radiation, and how something comes from nothing all the time!
Here's my story. And I'm sticking with it! :-)
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Space Shuttle Discovery Lift Off - April 5, 2010
Just take a gander at this beauty and see if you don't agree with me.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
RedGage - a new kid on my block!
Now, I'm not abandoning my blog here, but I will be posting to RedGage as well, so not to worry!
In any case, I just wanted to get the word out there just in case any readers might be interested. Signing up for RedGage is FREE and you actually get paid to write articles and post your photos and videos there! Once you've earned $25, you'll get a RedGage Visa debit card and further earnings will be added to that card automatically. The great advantage to this site is that you get to spend the money on your RedGage Visa card anyway you like anywhere that Visa is accepted.
You can find me there as TheEclectic. :-)
Here's what RedGage has to say for itself on their site:
Friday, March 5, 2010
Sean Carroll on the arrow of time (Part 1) | Video on
A fascinating and easy to understand video explaining the arrow of time as it is ultimately linked to entropy.
From the TED Talks site of this video:
In Part 1 of his lecture at the University of Sydney, cosmologist Sean Carroll gives an entertaining and thought-provoking talk about the nature of time, the origin of entropy, and how what happened before the Big Bang might be responsible for the arrow of time we observe today. (Don't miss Part 2 of this talk!)
About Sean Carroll
A physicist, cosmologist and gifted science communicator, Sean Carroll is asking himself -- and asking us to consider -- questions that get at the fundamental nature of the universe. Full bio and more links
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
News from the Amazing World of Nature! - Crickets "warn" unborn babies about spiders!
In my email today, I ran across a fascinating article about a wonder of biology.
From: ScienceDaily (Feb. 24, 2010) — Just because cricket moms abandon their eggs before they hatch doesn't mean they don't pass wisdom along to their babies. New research in the American Naturalist shows that crickets can warn their unborn babies about potential predator threats.
What? How is that possible? Human females have been known to claim they can affect their fetuses by talking to them, but exactly HOW does a cricket warn their unborn offspring about anything at all??
And the answer is: Nobody knows for sure! But scientists have a guess. But before I get to that guess, here's the background story:
Some researchers at the University of South Carolina Upstate in Spartanburg and Indiana State University did an experiment with pregnant crickets.
In one enclosure, they put some pregnant crickets in with a wolf spider. And, if you think You're afraid of wolf spiders, imagine the stress of those poor mamma crickets!
Wolf spiders are venomous and can cause a very nasty, painful wound on people. Thankfully, most people only suffer pain, itching and swelling for from a few minutes to a few days.
However, the wolf spiders in the experiments were only able to stalk the crickets, not kill them. The researchers somehow covered their fangs with wax, which somehow made the spiders safe. Now, I don't know the particulars about the wax job - my sources didn't elaborate.
Anyway, in a second enclosure, some more pregnant crickets were kept without a wolf spider to harass them. This is known as the Control Group.
Okay, so now, after the crickets laid their eggs, the researchers then compared the behavior of those offspring of crickets that were terrorized by a wolf spider to those offspring whose mothers hadn't been exposed to spiders. And, Guess What?
When placed into a terrarium with a hungry wolf spider, the crickets born of spider-exposed mothers were more likely to seek shelter and stay there. They stayed hidden over 100 percent longer -- and lived to tell the story more often -- than offspring from mothers that hadn't been exposed to spiders.
From Science Daily: Another experiment showed that the "forewarned" crickets were more likely to freeze when they encountered spider silk or feces -- a behavior that could prevent them from being detected by a nearby spider.
The results suggest that "the transfer of information from mother to offspring about predation risk, in the absence of any parental care, may be more common than one might think," Storm said.
Now, all this, apparently, doesn't just apply to crickets in the lab. The researchers also found that wild baby crickets in areas with lots of spiders tended to be more cautious in the presence of spider signs like spider webs. And of course, when those crickets were collected and put through the same paces as the lab-reared crickets, they tended to stay alive longer than baby crickets that were reared in safer wild environments.
The researchers also said their findings suggest a transfer of information from mother to offspring about predation risk might be more common than thought.
Now for the guess of how this might happen that I mentioned earlier: The researchers say that it is possible that stressful events like predator attacks trigger the release of a hormone that influences the development of the embryo.
And that's pretty much all she wrote folks! As far as the facts in this article go anyway. But I'm thinking the story won't really end there - I have a feeling that scientists are curious critters, and that they won't let this go by any means. They'll keep poking and prodding and mucking about with crickets and spiders and maybe some other creatures, until they get to the bottom of it. At least I hope they do! Because I'm still curious and I want to know more.
Parting thought: Could these findings apply to humans? If hormones, or whatever, actually Can have such far-reaching effects on behavior after birth, are we prisoners to our biology? Or are we the beneficiaries of biology? Can we truly give our children advantages before they are even born? Can we avoid instilling negative behaviors in our fetuses? And, just How might we do that?
Sign me Wondering!
MLA Source Citation: University of Chicago Press Journals. "Crickets 'Forewarn' Unborn Babies About Spiders." ScienceDaily 24 February 2010. 1 March 2010
Monday, March 1, 2010
Crickets 'forewarn' unborn babies about spiders
ScienceDaily (Feb. 24, 2010) — Just because cricket moms abandon their eggs before they hatch doesn't mean they don't pass wisdom along to their babies. New research in the American Naturalist shows that crickets can warn their unborn babies about potential predator threats.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Battling a stick figure virus - too funny not to post!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
NASA Image of the the Day - Gallery
Image of the the Day - Gallery
Little Galaxy With a Tail
This infrared (see spectrum diagram below) portrait of the Small Magellanic Cloud, taken by NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, reveals stars and dust in this galaxy as never seen before.Thursday, January 21, 2010
SNOWFLAKES - Everything you EVER wanted to know about them!
Now, I know that all you folks down in places like sunny Florida have no idea what I'm talking about. But listen up anyway! You might just learn a thing or three. At the very least, you could just be polite and humor your currently shivering Eclectic Science guy. Please?
Anyway, Winter s

No? Well, humor me (or perhaps suffer me would be a better phrase), a bit longer because I'm about to astound, amaze, and educate the living snot out of you! (Um,... that is if you haven't already been impressed by the pics herein contained)
Snowflakes, REAL snowflakes are ALWAYS hexagonal. That's six (6) sided for those of you who have no idea what a hexagon is. And, NO the Pentagon is five (5) sided, you dummies. Are you astounded yet? Heh, I thought so!
A Frozen Britain from way above! and It's sooooo cold that...
This striking image taken by Nasa's Terra satellite on 7 January 2010 shows the UK deep in the clutches of the current cold snap. [Photo: NASA/GSFC, MODIS Rapid Response]
And, speaking of cooooold,... I've scoured the Internet for the best, and only the best, humor regarding the currently less-than-warm-fuzzy temps we've all been chatting and chattering and shivering about. And with all that chatter, the Department of Homeland Frigidity has finally set the Chilly Warning to White!